Acupuncture is recognized by the World Health Organization as being effective in the treatment of many conditions, such as; arthritis, headache, allergies, post-operative pain, morning sickness, menstrual dysfunction, side effects of chemotherapy, & many types of pain.
Acupuncture is performed by inserting hair thin needles into key points on the body. Typical treatments will use 8-16 needles, however this varies with your condition.
Needle insertion may pinch slightly, though some don't feel the needles at all. Other sensations frequently felt during treatment include warmth, tingling, soreness or aching.
The length of time the needles are in varies, but we recommend keeping them in at least 20 minutes. Most conditions will require a series of treatments. The frequency & number of treatments will be assessed in the first visit upon completion of a full history of your condition.
Acupuncture can be used in conjunction with other Chinese medicine techniques, such as cupping, guasha, herbal medicine & auricular therapy.
Acupuncture is performed by inserting hair thin needles into key points on the body. Typical treatments will use 8-16 needles, however this varies with your condition.
Needle insertion may pinch slightly, though some don't feel the needles at all. Other sensations frequently felt during treatment include warmth, tingling, soreness or aching.
The length of time the needles are in varies, but we recommend keeping them in at least 20 minutes. Most conditions will require a series of treatments. The frequency & number of treatments will be assessed in the first visit upon completion of a full history of your condition.
Acupuncture can be used in conjunction with other Chinese medicine techniques, such as cupping, guasha, herbal medicine & auricular therapy.