Hello! Thank you for your interest in Wildrose Community Acupuncture. If you are looking for general information about acupuncture or community acupuncture, please go here.
What to know for your first appointment
Before you arrive:
When you arrive at the clinic:
When you are ready, the acupuncturist will lead you to the group treatment room. Choose a comfortable chair and lean back and relax. The acupuncturist will insert your needles, which are usually painless or have a slight pinch. Needles may be inserted in your arms, legs, or head. After insertion, you will be left to relax. When you are ready for the needles to be removed, get the acupuncturist's attention by making eye contact. On the first treatment it is hard to know how long you want the needles in, but if you fall asleep, you will probably be ready to have the needles removed shortly after you wake up. Most people have the needles in around 20-40 minutes, but some like to have them in longer. For your first treatment, allow yourself at least an hour for the appointment. Leaving yourself lots of time makes it easier for you to relax and enjoy the treatment. Take your time getting up out of the chair, and feel free to help yourself to tea at this point as well. We also have several health books for your perusal.
More questions? Give us a shout by email, phone, or dropping by.
Ready to book an appointment?
What to know for your first appointment
Before you arrive:
- If you book online, or you provided your email through other booking options, our system will send you the Intake Form. You can fill this form out online or wait and fill out a paper copy at the clinic. If you choose to fill out a paper copy, please arrive 15 minutes before your scheduled appointment time.
- Please wear loose fitting clothing that you can roll up to your knees and elbows
When you arrive at the clinic:
- We will greet you in the entrance area, and get any paperwork you need to fill out (everyone will need to fill out a Consent Form, and some will need to fill out an Intake form.
- There is complimentary tea and water available, please help yourself. The acupuncturist will come out to meet you at your scheduled appointment time, and will sit with you to discuss your reasons for seeking treatment and any concerns you may have.
When you are ready, the acupuncturist will lead you to the group treatment room. Choose a comfortable chair and lean back and relax. The acupuncturist will insert your needles, which are usually painless or have a slight pinch. Needles may be inserted in your arms, legs, or head. After insertion, you will be left to relax. When you are ready for the needles to be removed, get the acupuncturist's attention by making eye contact. On the first treatment it is hard to know how long you want the needles in, but if you fall asleep, you will probably be ready to have the needles removed shortly after you wake up. Most people have the needles in around 20-40 minutes, but some like to have them in longer. For your first treatment, allow yourself at least an hour for the appointment. Leaving yourself lots of time makes it easier for you to relax and enjoy the treatment. Take your time getting up out of the chair, and feel free to help yourself to tea at this point as well. We also have several health books for your perusal.
More questions? Give us a shout by email, phone, or dropping by.
Ready to book an appointment?